Friday, October 4, 2013

A date written in stone

We ordered invitations today. And table cloths. So there will officially be a wedding come April 26th.

I found an amazing groupon for invitations. For invitations, envelope seals, and address labels we paid the big fat sum of $42 (including shipping). Way under my budget. To be fair, I'm an over budgeter, big time. Mostly, because running out of money at the last minute is my nightmare. Once I get them in and check them out, I'll share the company and my experience.

I will say choosing the invitations and the wording went smoothly. We quickly agreed on a template, and the website had great examples for wording. In the end we may have jacked our phrasing from an invitation we found on Google, but I'll neeeeever teeeeeell.

Another great deal came with our table cloths. Not $40 great, but well within budget. We had already ordered one size of table cloths from Amazon, and we loved them so we went ahead with ordering the same type for the dinner tables. When I started pricing the wedding, the cost of table cloths was one of the most shocking moments. Thank God for the internet and for not feeling the need to be all fancy pants.

I'm very into getting the random details ironed out as soon as possible. So the table cloths may not be very romantic or special, but having them here will help me breathe a little easier.

Two more items checked off from my wedding binder...the one without out a cover and that is free of magazine clippings, or fabric swatches, or dream dresses. Being a bride that is happy with spreadsheets and random scratching makes me feel happy and stress free. And when I really need to wedding-out, there's always Pinterest (unfortunately).

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The way this guy sleeps...

That's what weekend s are made of.

I got a chance to go to the sold out John Mayer show Friday. And I was happy to take my little ass down to Lakewood and check it out.

It wasn't the best JM show I've been to, but I know he is still recovering from his throat stuff so I'll give him a pass. The highlight for me was definitely Slow Dancing In a Burning Room. I'd post a video, but I'm on my phone, and I'm not quite sure how to to insert one from here. The weather was perfection. The music was sustaining. Life was lived. Happiest happies.

Saturday night was make-up fireworks night. The Fourth of July came to September, and it didn't disappoint. I wish the fireworks would rain out every year from here on out. An early fall night is much more conducive to outdoor enjoyments in Georgia.

Today B and I had lunch and split a caramel milkshake. Then I made it through Sunday afternoon grocery shopping with out murdering someone, coupons and all.

Now it's all cheese and crackers for dinner and DVR clean-up. Maybe do some wedding stuff if I get the itch.

Life is good when you let it be.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Brunch & Munch

Sunday mornings are great. Brunch is great. Having someone else make the brunch is more than great. But when you make it yourself, you can get a little extended couple time in while cooking. Not to mention a typical brunch out is gonna run us $20-$30 while we spent less than $5. If I'd planned ahead, we could've had bottomless mimosas and still saved a boatload. The only thing missing is a patio table so we could've eaten outside and really took advantage of this amazeballs weather.

Still, we did get to crank my new copy of Physical Graffiti while we cooked. Probably not gonna get much Zeppelin at the local brunch buffet.

I made pan fried potatoes. These are my nightmare. I've never quite mastered getting them good and done on inside without being too crunchy on the outside. Any tips?? I'd love some input.

Otherwise we kept it simple with English muffins and cheese eggs. B did the eggs, and while I can admit having him in the kitchen stresses me a little it's worth it in the end.  

Eventually we'll get our grove down. Adjusting to living together is a little rough when you've been living on your own for so long. Somehow I think we'll survive. Next brunch I wanna go a little fancier. I've got a small iron skillet so it'd be fun to re-create some of the skillet plates that seem to be so popular at brunch places. Wish me luck.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gettin' Domestic.

While I've been moving in and settling down, wedding planning has been on a hard pause. But I've been cooking up a storm....okay, maybe a light drizzle, but you get the idea. I would always see live alone folks cooking these great meals for themselves, but I just couldn't ever get there. Most of my single life meals came from the freezer or a bag. Cooking for two is just a little more fun really. Plus the pressure to polish off the left overs isn't so bad when you are sharing it with a boy.

So, I full on grocery shop now. Not just for turkey burgers and Lean Cuisines. And I check for what's on sale. Yep. And I've actually used a few coupons. Yikes. Anywho, pork loin was on mega sale this week so I picked one up. Four pounds of pork, what in the world was I gonna do with that?? Google like mad until I found something that sounded yummy and most importantly not TOO intimidating, that's what. Trusty Google (she knows everything) found me this: Maple Baked Pork Loin. Here went nothing.

My trusty test subjects

The goodies

The process 

I also made mashed taters (and steam in the bag peas, lest my head began to get too big).

 The finished product

Y'all it may be douchy to say, but this dinner was amazing. I couldn't be more proud of myself. And B and I both have dinner/lunch for today. And there is tons left for sandwiches or whatever. If only I'd been this brave in the kitchen before!! But I'm sure B is happy to come around just in time to reap the benefits. Anybody and everybody I'd love to hear some tried and trues from your kitchen. I promise to try it out and let you know how it goes! Happy Thursday!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Water water everyehere.

I read somewhere recently a tip on eating healthy.

Drink water.

Duh, right?

But what they were saying is that when you have a junk food pig out, what do you usually wash it down with? A big ole bottle of water? Probably not.

A lot of foods just seem to go hand in hand with junky drinks. And as I sit here snacking on a bag of chips left  over from my munchkin sleepover I'm realizing this idea holds some weight. I'd give my right boob for a Coke right now. Or at the very least some apple juice.

Don't drink your calories. Don't drink your calories. Don't drink your calories.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Meow, baby.

I've been a lazy, lazy girl. But vacation starts tomorrow, and post-vacation bliss is always a good time for a ctrl/alt/delete.

Wedding planning it's going great. Early planning will be the preventative for stress. Lots of details on lockdown!

Plus I'm now a cat co-owner so that's been exciting. Check back for kitty updates and to see if I get my sorry ass back in the gym.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wah, waaaah.

I may not be quite off the wagon, but I'm definitely hanging on for dear life. Working out was non-existent last week. Zero energy, zero motivation. It was almost like I forget where the gym even was. But tomorrow is another day and so forth.

The highlight of the month has been the Avett Brothers show Friday. We were in the pit, and I've never been that close before. It's what some people might call mega-winning at life. Drank some beers, met some cool people, and generally enjoyed life.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


And I'm listening to MIA so there's that.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I sink to the bottom/ I rise to the top.

I was one of about ten people at the gym this morning. I am forced to assume that, like me, they all have bought too tight purple pants to wear to The Avett Brothers Friday week. Dang, I guess I'll be seeing them around 8am every day from here on out.

I don't have too much more than that to say except that I'm feeling great so I guess I'll keep at it. It's just an hour a day after all.

I will go ahead and put this here since I mentioned next Friday's concert. I will be going all balls out. You've been warned.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Big city bottom.

Back that Azz up and Ms New Booty coming on shuffle while I'm on the elliptical, coincidence?? I think not. B and I rewarded ourselves for last night's Mexican pigout with 15 minutes of extra cardio this AM. Whoopsie!

My margarita was the size of my head so by the time the food came out all I could eat was my rice. Therefore, I had my quesadilla for "brunch." Mmmmm chorizo and chicken.

The evening was cut a little short, but it was nice to come home and just watch some TV and go to bed early.

Oh, oh, I keep forgetting-- I need a singer jam ASAP. Please leave some suggestions down in the comments. I am highly convinced this crazy weather is the direct result of me failing to choose my summer jam. :/

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Just in case anybody was wondering

if I'm a totally different person just because I joined a gym, let the girl who's underpants had slid completely down her butt by her last 10 minutes on the elliptical assure I am the same old mess.

Cat like speed and reflexes.

After two days of what some might call straight laziness I'm ready to take my booty and my new socks to the gym. I've given myself three hours of "lazy Sunday" and now it's time to get going.

As silly as this seems I really love these socks already. And I haven't even left the house. They have a little band for arch support AND they're super cute. I'm like a little kid who feels like she can run faster/jump higher because she just got new light up tennis shoes. I'm obviously gonna kick all kinds of ass at the gym. Puma socks: activate!

In slightly less ass kickery news, we made or first official wedding purchase yesterday. We may not have a date or a photographer but we have groomsmen ties. They fit the look I wanted too perfectly to let them go. Two stops at K&G and one set of keys left on the counter later, B and I are wedding planners.

Ok, so let's do this together now....(cheesiness alert) the weather is looking up and there is no day better than today to kick a little ass.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Socks and Pinterest and Muppets.

Things are going great with the gym. I have committed for my health to go a minimum of 5 days a week. And have decided to count calories, but live on a 80% healthy 20% treat yoself plan. I think this gives me the best chance of success.

The first time I went to the gym at night I saw several couples. I think it's great. B and I go to the gym together sometimes, but I definitely get a better work out in solo. Still I think it's a nice thing to do with your man, good couple time, investing in your health together, etc. Saw two couples who were unintentionally(???) wearing matching outfits. Bleck. Can't take it. Stop.

B bought me some new work out socks today. They're Puma so you know they're stupid legit. His little treats make my day. Of course I paid back the favor of new socks by coming home and taking a 2 hour nap. Oopsie.

I've tried the elliptical two times now. Still don't quite feel like the gazelle girl with her perfectly high, bump free pony tail bouncing in the breeze. But I feel less like a hung over muppet flailing in a windstorm so I guess it's the little victories.

In wedding news, we kinda, sorta settled on a groomsmen look. The shopping part is gonna be way more fun than the planning/thinking/budgeting part. I have a Pinterest wedding board. I've been surprised with liking it, mostly because I really hate Pinterest. So, so, much.

I'm gonna get going so that I can fight the battle between Hannibal on DVR and putting on a sports bra. Spoiler alert: I'm already two minutes into Hannibal. Happy Friday, y'all.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Just tell the DJ to play your favorite tune.

Turns out I may become a gym person after all. I've been three out of the last four days and I'm feeling pretty good. I have some limitations due to the fucking achilles tendonitis I'm trying to get rid of, but I'm working it hard on the exercise bike for now. That thing doesn't even know what hit it. My favorite piece of equipment so far may be the little stretching thingy. Low tech just like I like it. And it meets my needs perfectly. It feels amazing.

There is one thing I'm on the fence with: couple's workouts. In some ways it's great. Do my solo cardio with my headphones in (Earth Wind and Fire, anyone??). And then it's fun and motivational to have someone there to chat with while I strength train because I basically hate it. Still, there's a part of my that likes to be alone. Selfish, stubborn, blah. But it is hard to throw the medicine ball all alone, so I'm giving it a trial run.

In other news, I'm engaged. And that's weird. Because I'm wondering if I should feel different because I don't really. And then I feel bad for not feeling different. Etc, etc. I guess now I have to plan a wedding??? I think ideally I'd just like to fill my friends and family's bellies with food and booze and somewhere in the middle say I do. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm gonna put on my girly pants and give this a whirl.

Wish me luck.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Okay, Okay, Okay, Okay.

This thing has been dormant for a bit too long. So long in fact, that I have not clue as to what I'm doing on the new layout.

But here's what's been going down with me:
1. Four month long sinus infection.
2. Shingles (brought on by #1)
3. Spending time with the boy.
4. Prepping (in my mind) for a big spring clean up/out.
5. Prepping (with my ears) for The Avett Brothers in May. It's been far too long.

That about wraps it up. Except I also joined a gym, and I'm going for the first time today. Am I a gym person?? We're all about to find out.

Oh, and follow me on intstagram-- bestcharityever.

Oh, and watch this video: