Sunday, September 18, 2011

Don't you think I want to; Don't you think I would...

Ray Lamontagne was off the heezy tonight. Or something like that. Just as good as I wanted him to be. A highlight was when these cute as hell chicks, The Secret Sisters, came out and sang "Mama Tried" with Ray. :) And right up there with that was the Sisters doing Patsy's "Leaving on Your Mind" during their set. A personal favorite of mine. I coined the phrase "drunk balls," and realized my obsession with first lines of songs...Cocaine flame in my good, so very, very good. Ray pens some good shit. What are your favorite opening lines???

The two exclamation points on a perfect night were: Me not stopping for fast food on the way home, and the All-Star-Free-For-All-Jam-Out I experienced on the way home...

I couldn't have planned it out better myself

DMB--Jimmy Thing, Death Cab--I Will Possess Your Heart, Kings of Leon--Use Somebody, Coldplay--Every Teardrop's a Waterfall, Mumford and Sons--The Cave, The Black Crowes--Jealous Again, Jack Johnson--Breakdown, Foster the People--Pumped UP Kicks, Ozzy Osbourne--Crazy Train. And it all wrapped up with this little gem, enjoy:

Friday, September 16, 2011

Every minute, now, the view is changing.

It seems like Summer has came and went, and I've really sucked at blogging. Hmm.

The summer was great but I'm ready for a change of pace. I started my fall off this year just as I did last...with those dang Avett Brothers. No better way to spend a Friday night. Even if you have to wait in line for two hours first. I danced so hard I think my sweat was sweating. And no better way to end a Friday night than Steak n Shake with some cool people, the best waitress, and bottomless cherry Sprites.

So now that Summer is over, and I've made my official fall mix (On Spotify, people. Look into it.) I should start working on getting my shit together. Working out, like, at all. Eating better. All in preparations to turn the big 3-5. I'm deciding to be pumped, because, why not?? It seems like I might have some interesting celebration plans in the works. So yeah. Pumped it is.

It's also day 369 without my sweet, sweet Grandmother. The world just isn't the same without her. I'm not the same without her. There's a love in my soul that only came from her, and it will forever make me smile from the inside out. I'm a happy, happy blessed girl. With some tears on her cheeks. Find someone you love today and hug the Hell out of 'em. You'll thank me later.