Sunday, September 18, 2011

Don't you think I want to; Don't you think I would...

Ray Lamontagne was off the heezy tonight. Or something like that. Just as good as I wanted him to be. A highlight was when these cute as hell chicks, The Secret Sisters, came out and sang "Mama Tried" with Ray. :) And right up there with that was the Sisters doing Patsy's "Leaving on Your Mind" during their set. A personal favorite of mine. I coined the phrase "drunk balls," and realized my obsession with first lines of songs...Cocaine flame in my good, so very, very good. Ray pens some good shit. What are your favorite opening lines???

The two exclamation points on a perfect night were: Me not stopping for fast food on the way home, and the All-Star-Free-For-All-Jam-Out I experienced on the way home...

I couldn't have planned it out better myself

DMB--Jimmy Thing, Death Cab--I Will Possess Your Heart, Kings of Leon--Use Somebody, Coldplay--Every Teardrop's a Waterfall, Mumford and Sons--The Cave, The Black Crowes--Jealous Again, Jack Johnson--Breakdown, Foster the People--Pumped UP Kicks, Ozzy Osbourne--Crazy Train. And it all wrapped up with this little gem, enjoy:

Friday, September 16, 2011

Every minute, now, the view is changing.

It seems like Summer has came and went, and I've really sucked at blogging. Hmm.

The summer was great but I'm ready for a change of pace. I started my fall off this year just as I did last...with those dang Avett Brothers. No better way to spend a Friday night. Even if you have to wait in line for two hours first. I danced so hard I think my sweat was sweating. And no better way to end a Friday night than Steak n Shake with some cool people, the best waitress, and bottomless cherry Sprites.

So now that Summer is over, and I've made my official fall mix (On Spotify, people. Look into it.) I should start working on getting my shit together. Working out, like, at all. Eating better. All in preparations to turn the big 3-5. I'm deciding to be pumped, because, why not?? It seems like I might have some interesting celebration plans in the works. So yeah. Pumped it is.

It's also day 369 without my sweet, sweet Grandmother. The world just isn't the same without her. I'm not the same without her. There's a love in my soul that only came from her, and it will forever make me smile from the inside out. I'm a happy, happy blessed girl. With some tears on her cheeks. Find someone you love today and hug the Hell out of 'em. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's you and me and the summertiiiiiiiiime.

I love summa time. So much. So many good times to be had. I think the summer of '08 was especially memorable. I think I could rename it the Summer of Highlands, White Pants, or The last Summer I was really tan . Fun times with Jodie at the aquarium (otherwise known as the most un-photogenic day of my life) and at Jack Johnson. :)

This summer has been right up there. And I have affectionately dubbed it the Summer of Live Music. And ba-ba-ba-ba-baaaaaaa I'm lovin' it. I'm digging it. Yep. And the digging continues this Friday at Star Bar. Come visit you won't be sorry.

Here's a series of pictures that may or may not illustrate how much I love Summer...but definitely how awesome I am:

From 08.07.08

From 08.07.08

From 08.07.08

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm so lonely, that's okay I shaved my head.

Eleven Things

1. Dave Grohl should play only drums. Always and Forever.
2. A sexy bass line turns me on.
3. Shower caps are awesome; I should have paid more attention to my Grandmother.
4. Pudding cake is the devil.
5. Heavy Mojo a week from Saturday, yes please.
6. ^^ For free. Uh-huh.
7. Already planning my Dan Akroyd: Two Wild and Crazy Guys Halloween costume. Boom!
8. I smell like Grapefruit, and I like it.
9. The pool changed my toe nail polish from pink to bronze. Odd.
10. I will not open the bottle of wine. I will not open the bottle of wine. (until at least Thursday)
11. Chicks that play guitar are hot.

You may now go back to your Tuesday.

Hot Fun in the Summer Time

First day of Summer. It's official.

I've already been loving the heat, the pool, the sunshine, all of it....except maybe the stupid humidity.

I've been getting up pretty early and moving in the mornings; I'm kinda loving it. A body in motion stays in motion and all that jazz. It's good for the body, but better than that it's great for my spirit. But I have learned one thing: I either need to do laundry more often or buy more socks.

This summer is also being dedicated to me seeing as much live music as possible. I'm on the hunt for anything hella-cheap or free so if you know anything, throw it my way. I've already had my first official sunburn, and got drenched by a summer storm. Had the "best burrito of my life"and went to a Braves game (and rocked my face off with the Avetts). Still on the list...a day at the lake, Screen on the Green, a weekend away....and who knows??

Anyway, here's to Summer and my official Summer jam....makes me happy, makes me smile, makes me soak it all in....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In my opinion,

there are only a handful of people that should be allowed to sing this song. I now know Damien Rice is one of them. Haunting. Beautiful. Eerily perfect.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Past Lives

I wish that I was good...
Nah, I wish that I was great.
I wish that I'd been early more often than late.
But nothing lasts forever,
maybe that's fate
When you're alive you're alright,
but when you're dead you're a saint.

Sometimes I forget about the chances we get in life to start over. They happen every day, thank God. I don't have to be the person you thought I was, or even the person I really was with you. I can be a different "me" right now if I wanted. And that's a glorious feeling. I think it has taken me a little while to get here, but I'm always a work in progress. And I'm OK with that. It's fun to evolve; it's also necessary. The big picture for me is that no one piece of my life (no matter how blissful it was) defines me...that no one interaction is who I am....that it's just a Past Life.

(also I'm more obsessed with Langhorne Slim by the minute, so please enjoy the music.)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bright shiny thing...

Please meet my new obsession. Many worlds of thanks to The Avett Brothers for having him open your great show in Athens...Oh, and if you wanna see me I'll be watching this kid tear up the stage at the Earl later this month.